Thursday, October 6, 2011


    The rain finally stopped yesterday. I took advantage of the sunshine and went on a photo shoot around the apple orchard in the next town over. I owed the woman who owns the place two dollars from a few weeks back when I bought pumpkins and doughnuts and was short, so I paid it back and bought another half dozen. Apple batter doughnuts. Absolutely to die for.

I fell in love with this incredibly tired apple tree behind the owner's house.

    Later on I went for a drive with my father to scope out a nice spot to take some farewell photos of his BMW 528i. He recently acquired his dream car, an M5, and the 528i is going away tomorrow morning. I really love that car, I'll miss it when it's gone.

    On the way back, we passed the railroad bed-turned-dirt bike trail on my street and the light was coming through the trees so beautifully I had to have him stop the car:

     My crazy work weekend is about to start tomorrow. I'm pulling doubles hosting instead of hosting then prep in the kitchen so I won't be getting out two or three hours after I'm supposed to for a change. I'm working on having Matthew come up Sunday night and then go to the fair with me on Monday but I haven't heard if he's gotten the day off yet. I haven't seen him in so long and I would love nothing more than to spend a day getting fat on fried dough with him.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Dear rain,
    It's four days into October, my favorite month, and it has yet to stop raining. I want to be outdoors on my days off, taking walks, picking apples, going to the fair, and taking so many photos that my batteries die and I run out of film. The brook that runs through my yard looks like rapids, and having skylights on the house make the rain seem that much louder. I happened to be awake for a few minutes around 6 am and heard some very impressive thunder, but I've had enough. Rain: stop it. I have plans to go to the Topsfield Fair tomorrow and you. will. not. mess. it. up.
    Thank you.

    In other news, I needed to go up to work yesterday to pick up a blank check for some supplies for a project they're having me do at home. Afterward, I roamed around my college campus for a while. I picked up a ticket for the upcoming John Sexton lecture in November (!) and went down to the photo labs to talk to my professors. Being down there, and smelling the chemicals from the dark room made me nostalgic. I told Bev and Gary what I've been up to, and how I'm planning to re-vamp the project I started last fall. Bev seemed optimistic which gave me a boost of confidence to really get myself back into it. I loved the project when I first started it but time would not have allowed for me to finish it during school. Now if only the damn rain would stop...